How Can Solar Power Be Used to Generate Light?

Depending on your location and whether or not there are obstacles that detract from the amount of light your house gets, a solar panel could be a great addition to your home. Before making a decision, homeowners can assess their potential for solar energy through mapping services and tools. These tools will not account for all of the specifics that a solar installer will understand, but they could be a great starting point to determine if you can collect enough solar energy to make it worth it for your home.

There are three major types of solar panels you can choose to light up your home: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film panels. Monocrystalline solar panels are the commonly used rooftop solar panels that are made up of individual pure silicon crystals that are cylinder-shaped. They are durable and long-lasting but required a larger upfront investment. Polycrystalline solar panels are less expensive to make because they're made from different pieces of silicon that are separated into fragments and then melted together. However, while they are just as durable and long-lasting, they are less efficient compared to monocrystalline panels. Thin-film solar panels are lightweight and malleable. Like the others, they are silicon-based, but the silicon is only on the first of three thin layers. They are meant for warmer climates because they withstand intense heat and generate energy on darker days, but they don't last as long and are less efficient than other types.

If you choose to add solar panels to your home, no matter what type you choose, you'll be able to generate electricity that you can use to power your indoor and outdoor lights. You could light your entire house, inside and out, without any environmental impact with solar power!