Solar Power for Dummies
Solar panels, also known as Photovoltaic (PV) systems, are easier than you'd think! Most homeowners and business owners who opt to install a solar system choose the simplest possible system in order to get the best return on their initial investment. So most PV systems are the same and made up of simple components to harness the sun's rays into heat and electricity for your home.
How Solar Power Works: For Dummies
The sun's rays are collected through PV modules or solar panels mounted in an area that will get a lot of sun. For many people, this is on the roof of a building, but if you live in a sunny area that is free from tall trees, you could also choose to install them on the ground.
The energy that the panels create is called a direct current (DC), but you cannot use a direct current to power your home. So that power goes into a power inverter which is connected to the back of the solar panel. The inverter's job is to turn that DC into an alternating current (AC). Once it has successfully converted to an AC current, that voltage will go straight to the fuse box it is connected to which can power your home or business. The fuse box can also be connected to the power grid so if you make more power than your home can use, you can sell some back to the utility company!